They flew planes into the towers and convinced everyone it was an attack on the west. What they failed to tell us was it was orchestrated by those in the west.

This is Jetfuel.Science, a website dedicated to education on the truth behind the 9/11 attacks. We explore the science behind the claims apparently made by our governments and the mainstream science corporate bodies. A source of truth unwaivered by the dollars of those in power. You can't trust the government to watch out for you, you can't trust the corporations not to steal from you but the one thing you CAN trust is...

Jet fuel can't melt steel beams

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Many sources on the World Wide Web would have you beleive that jet fuel burns at as high a temperature as 1517°F (821°C) which may convince some simpler minds that this is close enough in proximity to the 2750°F (1498°C) meling temperature of steel.

However, studies done outside of the US such as Fire Test Evaluation using the Kerosene and Aviation Fuel (K. S. Bang, J.C. Lee, C. S. Seo, K. S. Seo, H. J. Kim) show an actual temperature maximum of in the range of 1023°F (549°C) to 1277°F (701°C). This is less than HALF the temperature required to melt steel.

Firefighters putting out jet fuel with simple water.

This temperatural differential is akin to suggesting water can be boiled (212°F (96°C)) in California simply by leaving it outside where summer temperatures can reach 124°F (49°C). A claim that if true would avert California's energy crisis.

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As the "planes" hit the buildings on September 11th, fireballs could be seen spreading outwards and upwards on the outside of the tower following pyroclasic flows.

The impact of the second plane.

This would not indicate a plane that flew INSIDE the tower before catching on fire, instead it shows an object that completely detonated on contact with the tower. Twitchy CIA trigger fingers? Perhaps, or more likely something not dissimilar to an FMU-135/B impact fuse used in missiles such as the Tomahawk TLAM or AGM-65 missile. Both missiles used extensively during the following Middle Eastern Wars, surely given willingly by their producing companies knowing the bounty to follow.

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Many phonecalls were released after 9/11, calls to police and supposedly existing families.

A modern phone

These phonecalls are beyond dubious. Firstly, mobile telephony simply does not have the range to be used in the sky. These phones require proximitation to cell-towers that provide the wirless signal they use to operate. At a height of 36,000 feet, no plane could possibly be in range of them. The government suggested that secret cell phone repeaters, devices designed to amplify cell strength, had been smuggled aboard the plane. These devices, costing thousands of dollars are also extensively prohibited by the airlines who x-ray bags being put into planes.

Making a phone call

Secondly, studying the transcripts reveals a strange and disturbing pattern by those making the calls. Many rang their own families and identified themselves with the first and last name. Although I too, would call my family in such a situation were it possible, I would not greet my mother by saying "Hello, this is Aaron Whittaker, your son" as my mother knows my name.

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The government and doctored footage claims the towers collapsed 09:59 AM, not even an hour after being hit. Something we know could not happen so quickly without somehow melting the supports.

How the tower should've collapsed.

The debris of the towers display a pattern indicating the towers collapsed directly downwards. A collapse type normally seen when a structure is weakened from the bottom. This weakening did not occur in the official accounting of events according to the US garblement. They maintain that a strike to the side of the top of the tower was made.

How rotational forces work.

Such a strike would clearly have caused swaying in the building, causing it to be pushed over sideways. However this may have threatened further US Government assets and been harder to cover up.

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Perhaps the least beleivable aspect of the entire government-issued story is that 3 untrained nomads from the deserts of a third world country somehow were able to master the controls of a state of the art Boeing 767.

A 767 Cockpit

Although the proposed timeline for these attacks includes rudimentary flight training, no beginer pilot could be expected to fly with such precision as to hit a single building perfectly in the middle of a city.
At 590 MPH (962 KPH) the pilots would've had seconds to ensure they were lined up whilst also ensuring they did not hit any of the buildings around the twin towers. These sort of high-precision manouvers are only possible using the high skill of a trained Air Force pilot with hundreds of hours of flight-time. Its no coincidence almost immediately after 9/11, the US government suddenly invented remote controlled air-drones.

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Perhaps the most interesting evidence against the garblement story is the "evidence" the governments of the world fabricated to prove their claims.

A destructable black box and indestructable paper

Whilst similtanously claiming that none of the nigh-indestructable Black Boxes could be found from any of the flights, the US Government also claimed to have found doccuments on all 19 "hijackers" from on board the flight. The passports supposedly found by the US later revealed to be common islamic names whose details were the same as other still-living people outside the US.
A plot undertaken by 19 John Smiths...

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The US Government has no short history of lying to its people or the world, typically for its own nefarious ends. Below are a few choice examples doccumented for those who would claim there is no precedence of government lies on such scale.

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Operation Northwoods is a 1962 plan to justify an invasion of a country that had previously been a US ally before turning against them. A familiar scenario to anyone versed in the Afghan history.

Operation Northwoods

The plan called for secret operatives, funded by US Government black-budgets, to undertake attacks against targets on US soil. They saught to target publically prominant targets to create "suffering" and "grievances" that would spur the public into supporting a long and bloody war.

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Operation Washtub was a CIA operation of the 1950s to hide weapons caches throughout Nicaragua prior to offensive action undertaken by the US main government.

A weapons cache

Prior to the coup attempt of the Nicaraguan government, these weapon caches would be hidden throughout Nicaragua. Consisting of Soviet weapons, they would be used as proof of a government turned against the US towards their idealic enemies. This justification for takeover of the government would allow the US to seize their resource supplies.
Much like a government supposedly alligned with "Al Queda" and overthrown for access to gold, oil and CIA drug farms.

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Operation Fuerzauber

Operation Fuerzauber (Fire Magic) also known as Celle Hole was an operation undertaken in the American protectorate of West Germany by the GSG 9 intelligence agency, no doubt with the assistance of the CIA.

Celle Prison, West Germany

Operation Fire Magic created a hole in the Celle prison walls, planted firearms, escape equipment and even a rubber boat. This was done to discredit a political enemy. As a result of "their" escape, members of the Communist Red Army Faction had their privelages revoked, their freedoms curtailed. Members of this group would go on to die in these prisons.

Ⓒ2002 9/11 Truth Organization